V-Tent - solar parking for electric vehicles |
Electric cars only began to penetrate into our lives, but because the world is not yet so much of infrastructure facilities for the maintenance of this kind of machines. However, work to rectify this situation is relentlessly. For example, the Turkish company Nobis created a project of solar parking lots for cars with an electric motor.
V-Tent - solar parking for electric vehicles |
Nissan company obsessed with the creation of a huge network of filling stations for electric vehicles throughout the United States. But not only in the United States are working to promote this mode of transport. The world understands our vision, which he gives, and therefore on the planet there are more and more projects to create electric cars and the infrastructure for them.
V-Tent - solar parking for electric vehicles |
Among the latest of these initiatives is to highlight the project V-Tent, designed by Turkish design studio Nobis.
V-Tent - solar parking for electric vehicles
The essence of this project is to create as much as parking lots, intended for parking of electric vehicles. In doing so they will be equipped with special folding tents covered with solar panels. So the motorist, arriving by car, can immediately cover it with this design, and connect to charging.

In those hours, he will be out, V-Tent fill obtained here on the spot energy battery electric vehicle, and even protect the car from the sun or rain.

As might be expected, the very parking lot V-Tent will not be free. The owner will be able to activate the electric charging only with the help of their bank card or by sending an SMS to a special number. So he will have to pay for charging the batteries of the car and its location on this lot.