Sonia showed her the other day, a beautiful flagship for 2013 - model Xperia Z. 5-inch (yes, where do you increase something!) Smartphone with a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels will conquer the 4-core 1.5-GHz processor and noveyshe-cool 13-megapixel camera.
The desire for the miraculous appearance emphasized glass panels on both sides. We note that the unit waterproof - it's useful, but annoying in some ways, because all the connectors, even the 3.5-mm headphone jack, sitting under the plastic plugs - will enrage.

The display is worthy of praise, not only because of the wild permit - technology "Bravo Endzhayn-2" is to ensure stunning image quality.
2330 mAh battery with automatic shut-off is supported by all the back-end applications with low charge, which is certainly a plus, if you want someone else to call or write.
That same camera sensor has branded "Exmore RS», can shoot video and HDR-snapping photos while recording movies. The quality of the material, of course, must be sooo decent.
The machine deserves the highest ratings, though frankly infuriates release date - only allowed to buy in March. It seems, and soon, but now on board the "Zed" is Android 4.1, and by that time will be 5.0, so the problems with the update can not be avoided. Prices, and especially the list of the first wave of sales, we do not know.