Through the use of satellite navigation systems be possible to get full information about the vehicles which run on any routes. All known GPS and GLONASS have extensive coverage, which allows them to track objects virtually anywhere in the world. Due to the high noise immunity and signal transmitted from the satellite to the mobile device, located at the site, which coordinates to determine ensure stable operation of system components in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world. It is worth a closer look at how it works and what is a typical system monitoring vehicles.
Principles of navigation systems GPS and GLONASS are similar. So you should focus on one of them - GPS. Its main component is a constellation of satellites in Earth orbit, orbiting the planet. Real-time included 24 satellites, which ensures coverage almost throughout the earth. They track the position of mobile devices from the monitoring system, and deliver coordinates.
Mobile devices
Mobile devices consist of a receiving part, computer module and the transmitter. Typical vehicle monitoring system includes components such as trackers and sensors. The first provides positioning tracked objects. Sensors allow you to shoot a lot of indicators of the vehicle (axle load, engine temperature and operation of the device, the position of goods, etc.). To send information to the remote controller considered devices use GSM or GPRS-connection. Some models of these devices can also work with networks and Wi-Fi.
Software for processing the signals from mobile devices and traffic control part
The software allows you to perform control of fuel consumption and other parameters of the vehicle, can be located on the PC client and the server of your service provider. In the first case, the client computer must meet certain requirements (this includes its characteristics), compliance with which is necessary for the installation and proper operation of the software. In the second case, a client wishing to make tracking of vehicles, you simply need to have a computer with internet access. To work in this case will be used by the Web-based interface.
Through the use of satellite monitoring of road transport is provided by the ability to produce control of fuel consumption and get a lot of other data that will be very useful for managers of enterprises (organizations). These data allow us to more efficiently organize the activities of companies engaged in transportation of goods (transport of people) on domestic and international routes, which increases efficiency and increase profits. With the power of satellite vehicle monitoring any manager will always be aware of all the events that will give him confidence in his actions.