"Smart" clock began to actively gain an audience. A striking example can serve Pebble SmartWatch , which recently still on sale, and WiMe NanoWatch (read our review of the best devices in January .)
Recall that with the help of such watches can not only find out the current time, but also to interact with a smartphone (such as read SMS, e-mail, messages on social networks, etc.) without having to take the last of the pocket. Soup interact wirelessly to Bluetooth.
Recently, this market has another interesting representative - Android-clock Neptune Pine. They differ from other similar instances, and give a little more functionality to users. The device is equipped with a decent for such devices 2.5-inch touch screen. Directly from it you can send messages, not just read. Type messages, you can use a small, but working QWERTY keyboard:

Also worth noting is that Neptune Pine has modules Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and GSM, and, most interestingly, a private 5-megapixel camera. The developers say comfortable using the device as a compass and a radio.
Neptune Pine Watch now available for order. Cost model with 8 gigabytes of memory is $ 335 for a model with 32 GB of user would have to pay $ 395. Well for a wristwatch, but the device's capabilities certainly impressive. More information - online www.neptunepine.com.